Nollywood actor, Prince James Uche, who was once a vice president of AGN, has been issued with a quick notice to leave his Gbagada home despite the fact that he is currently battling with an undisclosed heart disease and kidney failure, which has kept him away from the screens for 8 years.
His wife is said to have abandoned him few years ago with their 3 children.
James now spends most of his time in his church, Our Lady the Queen of Peace Catholic Church near his home. He revealed his sickness started since 2007;
"Something struck me on the left side of my face about eight years ago, when I was heading for the burial ceremony of Pete Edochie’s mother at Nteje in Anambra State.
“I got to the venue of the ceremony and stayed in the town for two days. On the third day, I suddenly found that I could no longer move my body freely. Although I barely managed to get up on my feet, I could not climb up the staircase.
“I had to wait till the following Sunday before deciding to leave for Lagos. But my friend, Edoche, persuaded me to follow him to Enugu where he lived at the time. I slept in Enugu on that day. In the morning I went for treatment in a hospital.
“After the doctor had finished examining me, he stared at me with his mouth half open in shock for a long time.
"When I asked what was wrong, he said I should have been dead. He took my pulse again and then, sweating, said my blood pressure was abnormally high. He said it had risen up to 300 and it was a miracle that I was still alive.”
According to reports, Uche’s health has continually deteriorated over the past years. Aside battling from the heart disease, he is also slowly losing his memory and sight.
As if to worsen it, he is also suffering from kidney problem. His kidney is said to not function properly and there is fear it it might be completely destroyed. He was lucky to be helped by church members who paid for his diagnosis five times in 2013. But now it is in dare need of medical attention.
Uche is really looking emaciated and financial support is mainly coming from the church. This is very sad. Fans are already pleading with the AGN president, top notch movie stars, and good Nigerians to help him so that we don’t lose another star like we recently did.